One of the most original crafts related to the mountains in our area is the manufacture of necklaces called krywulki, hardanki, drabinki, sylanki and other bead accessories. The most impressive work is krywulka - a characteristic jewellery for the Lemko region. In Komańcza rich spinsters wore special, colourful, patterned accessories, which were put on the neck and shoulders like a collar. Their size and colourfulness reflected the wealth of the spinster. They were made of small beads of the size of poppy seeds. Necklaces could be made by threading beads on strands and there were one to ten such strands. The pattern was built thanks to appropriate stitching and threading, which resulted in a mesh structure, there were also cross and circle patterns. Lemko necklaces were made with the use of a needle or using looms specially designed for this purpose. In the Boyko region there were no large necklaces made, but much more modest ones called hardany (in the form of a pendant), or neckbands made of beads themselves or an embroidered band sewn to them.
The embroidery of this part of the Carpathian Mountains is characteristic. Very rich and impressive are decoration of women's and men's blouses, shirts, outfits, treads, napkins, tablecloths, nets, etc. The embroidery of this part of the Carpathian Mountains is very rich and impressive. The Bieszczady embroidery of the Eastern Lemkivshchyna, and in particular the Boykos, consists of wonderful, archaic, geometric patterns containing pre-Christian symbolism assimilated by the new religion to such an extent that the majority of the society no longer knows their meaning, despite the fact that it uses them.
Today, the Bieszczady Mountains are experiencing a renaissance of regional embroideries and geometric ornaments inspired by the culture of these mountains, which can be seen more and more often in the public space. Apart from embroidery and architecture, such motifs are more and more often used in souvenirs as well as painted decorations and even prints on bags, T-shirts, etc..