Szlak Kultury Wołoskiej - The route of the<br />Wallachian Culture

The route of the
Wallachian Culture


Informacje z dziedziny Kultury Wołoskiej oraz informacje o wydarzeniach na szlaku.

Wallachian culture

The Wallachian Culture Trail assumes the functioning of an international cultural trail based on the Wallachian heritage. The restoration of local historical and cultural heritage through activities (inventory of cultural resources, training and cultural workshops, publications on Wallachian culture, "Wallachian events" (based on the shepherd cycle and sheep grazing) allows you to rediscover and recall this forgotten heritage.

The cross-border, integrated cultural route serves as a carrier of regional cultural values. Through popularization, it influences the development of Wallachian heritage , making it a "living" testimony of borderland culture. The trail opens new, joint opportunities for local communities, which, based on Wallachian culture, can create their own cultural offer e.g. through handicraft workshops, local Wallachian events, cheese production, etc.

Wallachian Culture Trail

The Wallachian Culture Trail is a reconstruction of the remnants of Wallachian shepherding activity in the Carpathian Mountains along the Polish-Slovak border, where for hundreds of years sheep grazing was a key element of human economic activity. Shepherding had a dominant influence on the development of the material and spiritual culture of the people that settled here. Today, the memory of this activity is falling into oblivion. As a result, the common regional identity of the borderland is fading away. The Wallachian Culture Trail carries a message about the cultural community of the Carpathian and Balkan peoples. It plays a special role in shaping openness, forging relationships, and exchanging knowledge and experience. For those interested in the culture of the border areas, the Wallachian Culture Trail is a testimony of the mountain community.

Mapa szlaku


The Wallachian Culture Trail is a trail of natural and cultural heritage associated with Wallachian traditions in the Carpathian Mountains. The trail has an international character and runs along the entire arch of the Carpathians, following in the footsteps of wandering and Wallachian settlements and connecting places with live shepherd traditions. There are many attractions waiting for tourists!

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