Shepherd's equipment - scoop (cyrpok, cerpok) Lesser Poland

Kategoria: Culture

The handle can be intricately carved, traditional motifs for highlanders appear on it: rosettes, lilies, animal heads, leaves, triangles, etc. Often, the handle has round holes cut out for better grip in the hand. The bucket bottom is additionally surrounded by a copper strip to protect against unsealing the vessel and for decoration. It is primarily used for administering żentyca. The scoop is an extremely decorative dish, associated and identified with the shepherd tradition and highlander. Because of this he went to souvenir shops. The scoops offered to tourists are usually more modest in decorations, they are to be used only as a decoration, not a utility vessel. Cyrpok as a symbol of highlandership was presented in 2018 to Olympic champion Kamil Stoch. A glass circlet (40 cm in size) made in Krosno by Witold Śliwiński (funded by the inhabitants of Ząb) contained inside cards with wishes from residents of the Ząb commune.

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Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020