Szlak Kultury Wołoskiej - Trail of Żywieccy Hal

Produkt turystyczny

Trail of Żywieccy Hal

Course of the trail

Due to the length of the trail, it is recommended to visit the summer or spring season. In addition, there are quite a few options for shortening the trail and crossing it with fragments.

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Czas przejścia:



30 km

Suma wzniesień:

1567 m

Suma obniżeń:

1172 m

Poziom trudności:


Opis produktu

The trail runs through the following landmarks:

1. Węgierska Górka

2. Hala Boracz

3. Redykal Hall

4. Hala Lipowska

5. Rysianka Hall

6. Hall Pawlusia (optional)

7. Hala Cudzichowa

8. Hala Miziowa

9. Korbielów (optional)

10. Slovak border

Sheep grazing, like any other human activity, has an impact on the natural environment and landscape. As a result of pastoral activity, a new subtype of cultural landscape is created, which is the pastoral landscape. The structure of traditional pastoral landscapes is characterized by a high share of natural elements (naturalness of the landscape) and a strong dependence of elements of anthropogenic origin on the features of the natural environment.

Dodatkowe informacje

Due to the length of the trail, it is recommended to visit the summer or spring season. In addition, there are quite a few options for shortening the trail and crossing it with fragments.

Miejsca związane z kulturą

Walory przyrodnicze

Imprezy związane z miejscem

Festival of Polish Highlanders' Folklore in Żywiec - August

It takes place in the Żywiec amphitheater near Grojec. The August event attracts highlanders from all over the country. The event has been organized as part of the Beskid Culture Week since 1970. and is the largest event in Poland. The folk music competition takes place in the categories of bands, singing groups and soloists.

Redyk in Korbielów - Hala Glinne and sheep mixing in Jeleśnia- May

Spring redyk, or expelling sheep to the halls. The main point of the spring reykjavik is the ritual of mixing sheep, which aimed to form one herd of animals owned by several owners. On the occasion of the reykkids of Beskids, a number of accompanying events and traditional handicraft shows take place.

Usually Bacowski in Soblówka - July

Usually Bacowski has been taking place since 2007. in the area of Osada Pasterska in Soblówka. The ideas of custom were initiated by Marian Sporek, who promotes traditional shepherd rites, including through a show of sheep mishaps, incense of a shepherd in a shepherd, milking sheep in stalls, milk begging, cheese making and, above all, taste sheep specialties.

Lossod of sheep on Hala Bor bol - September

Lossod / Rozsod sheep took place in the fall, around September 29 (St. Michael). It consisted in disconnecting the herds and returning the grazing team to the farms. Sometimes the hosts grazed out of season in the yard. Today, after the end of the season, shepherds are giving away redykołkę.

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Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020