Rozsod Sheep on Stecówka!
Stecówka is a picturesque mountain clearing in which sheep have been grazed for many years. It was here in the summer that Michał Kawulok, the "defender of highlanders", full of determination, lived with his family called "King of the Mountains". Here also his son was born - an outstanding folklorist and founder of the regional chamber in Wojtosze - Jan Kawulok.
September 30 at 12.00 we cordially invite you to this extraordinary place so that you and the shepherds can celebrate this year's Rosod sheep . There will be highlander music, regional food and a great atmosphere.
You can try mutton stew, sheep's cheese, sheet pies, sweet cheese and apple pie and many other delicacies!
September 30 at 12.00 - Stecówka - Rozsod sheep - an event with tradition!
Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020