Where sheep are bred, furrier's workshops operate in which skins and sewn outerwear (hearts, sheepskin coats) are sewn. In Małopolska, and especially in Podhale, craftsmanship is still a popular occupation of highlanders today. Nowy Targ is considered the capital of tanning and furrier's shop.
One of the best known and most valued studios is the plant run by Urszula and Piotr Pawlikowski. The name "Blachorz" is the nickname of the Pawlikowski family. The plant operates at ul. Nadwodny 15 since 1962. It is one of those studios that enjoys an unwavering reputation as one of the best regional clothing factories while maintaining traditional designs and ways of decorating (onion on the back of the heart, green-navy blue flowers, yellow-green rafter, etc. ). The Pawlikowski family comes mainly from hearts, sheepskin coats, hats etc. All the elements of the outfit are hand-decorated, with leather applications (turquoise cyronia, Astrakhan fur), threads (cordon, mulina, soutache) or yarns. In addition, the studio reproduces outfits with preservation of design and cuts from the past, including former highlander costumes from Podhale and other highlander regions. The workshop has its own tanneries, where the skins are tanned according to the latest ecological technology. Sheepskin and fur coats are also made by Kazimierz Niemiec in Maniów.