Shepherd's products and dishes - bryndza Małopolska

Kategoria: Culture

It is made on a hut. First, just like oscypek: cheese is extracted from the cauldron and leachate from whey. Then it is put off for fermentation (it must skim) for two weeks. Then the cheese is crumbled, ground and kneaded. Bryndza was traditionally stored in wooden or stone facets and was flooded with melted butter from above so that it would not break. In the past, bryndza was treated as a means of payment (17th century) in which tribute was repaid. The name bryndza comes from the Wallachian language (brinze, brânză) meaning "cheese". In 2005, Bryndza Podhalańska was entered into the list of traditional products by the Ministry of Agriculture.

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Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020