Bacow proverbs and sayings

Kategoria: Culture

The most important typical shepherd proverbs include:
1. After Saint. Michał, even feed on a bale
It means that after St. Michał (September 29), you can graze sheep in any field, regardless of the owner, and whatever grew there.

2. Who walks over Michał will not return to the hall.
A saying that is a warning - whoever grazes sheep longer than the traditional end date of the season may not wait for the next season.

3. One mucky sheep, a whole herd of contagion
A saying referring to pastoralism informing about carefully choosing colleagues, comrades and friends.

4. Whoever has sheep has what he wants.
Proverb saying that every sheep owner can consider himself lucky, because he doesn't lack anything for sheep.

5. Saint John gives the sheep a pitcher of milk.
Proverb showing that in the Midsummer period (June 24) sheep milk best, because it is then the best fodder in the meadow.

In addition, you can indicate other proverbs or sayings referring to pastoralism or indirectly
the way associated with it (for example regarding weather, which was important for everyone working in the field: farmers, shepherds, fruit farmers, etc.)

Saint Bartholomew is already an ass in the flame.
When charms say goodbye, coals are thrown.
Saint Anka is grazing a lamb

Related to the field and meadow
Flee the devil with thistle. Saint Stephen goes with oats.
At Saint George, the scythe will not be graced by every dew.
For Saint Francis, the peasant will gain nothing in the field.

good-looking people or animals :
Stout as an oven

Related to the beginning of grazing:
When Wojciech thunders before winter, he dreams for a long time.
For St. Wojciech, a beef kid.
At St. Wojciech's mare kids.

Proverbs about the weather
When it rains in Saint Michael, it will be mild winter all.
Like a misty morning, transparent evening.
When it storms up the mountains on St. Bartholomew's day, in the autumn it plays a part
In August, fog in the mountains - frosty mating, when fog in the valleys - it
weather divination.

Folk riddle:
Chubby Tits,
Two mounds;
Tychy poles,
Two paytyk. (cow)

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