Shepherd's equipment - Jadwiga (key, key, hen) Lesser Poland

Kategoria: Culture

Jadwiga is eagerly told by the guides a legend telling about two juhas, a bad shepherd and a girl named Jadwiga. One of the juhas wanted to marry, but he had no money for it, so he left his fiancée in the shepherd's hut and went to a robber himself to earn a wedding. In the meantime, the shepherd liked the left-over girl and decided to marry her himself. When she refused, the shepherd hung her over the fire, let her smoke like oscypek cheese, crumble and change her mind. Seeing this, the second juhas ran for his friend, brought him in and helped save the girl. As part of revenge, they cooked a shepherd in żentyca. From now on, the stick on which the cauldron hangs is called Jadwiga, and shepherds do not buy as big boilers as they used to be. Nowadays Jadwiga is sometimes replaced with an iron chain.

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Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020