Stanisław Budz - Lepsiok called Mroz - the most famous piper in Podhale

Kategoria: Culture

He played on zlóbcok, fujars, pipes and bagpipes. His games were listened to by great Polish composers and artists visiting Zakopane (including Karol Szymanowski, Jan Kasprowicz, ethnomusicologist Adolf Chybiński and others), which was reflected in their works. Due to his incredible talent, he was invited to perform outside of his hometown of Podhale: to Warsaw, Lviv, Berlin and Paris. The piper was also socially active - he was a co-founder of the Podhalan Union Branch in Poronin. Stanisław Budz-Lepsiok educated his own son Jan, and then his grandchildren: Stanisław Budz-Mroz "Młodszy" and Władysław Trebunie-Tutka. After them the baton was taken over by representatives of the next generation, including Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka. Lepsiok's musical talent has been commemorated. In the years 1974–77 a regional band of his name was active in Poronin, and since 2010 the "Przegląd Gry na Pastoral Instrumenty im. Stanisław Budz-Mroz ". In Poronin, in 2010, a commemorative plaque dedicated to this musician was installed on the front wall of the Commune Culture Center.

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Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020