

The fourth issue of the Carpathian Socio-Cultural Review

The fourth issue of the Carpathian Socio-Cultural Review published as part of the project "The world of Carpathian rosettes - actions to preserve the cultural uniqueness of the Carpathians, co-financed by the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020.

The main topic of the issue is the search for an answer to the question - on what plane: artistic, handicraft or perhaps related to tradition, have Bojkowszczyzna and Huculszczyzna left a unique message? Research trips to the Eastern Carpathians allow their participants to make interesting observations with which - in the form of texts - they share with us. These include materials about writing workshops or describing the tradition and the present day of making liżnyk. An important element of this way of looking at the region is a short, merely signaling the phenomenon, text with the symbol of the Carpathian arch associated with the characteristic decorative detail of this area. The origins of the "flower of life" disappearing in the darkness of history, found in Europe at various latitudes, here in the Carpathians, have become the essence of the place; on the one hand, being "only" decoration, but on the other hand performing important magical and protective functions. And what is important, "alive" until today.

The journal is available for download on the website www.carpathianculture.eu

Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020