In the footsteps of Wołochów around Lesser Poland
We invite you to wander in the footsteps of Wołochów ... 15 thematic routes leading through Lesser Poland, which together form a holistic, cross-sectional image of the shepherd's legacy, for which mountain areas are the background - a context that thanks to the trails gains additional, non-material value.

Czas przejścia:
Poziom trudności:
Opis produktu
Ochotnica Górna - Gorczańska Chata 3.5 km (1:45 h) - Bottom Przysłop 3.6 km (1:40 h) - Jaworzyna Kamienicka (Bulandowa Shrine) 4 km (1:00 h) - Polana Gabrowska 1.3 km (0:20 h) - PTTK Turbacz hostel 2.1 km (0:35 h) - Wisielakówka 1.3 km (0:15 h) - Bukowina Miejska 2.4 km (0:30 h) - Nowy Targ, Oleksówki 3.9 km (1:00 h)
The route is recommended for: individual tourists, groups, families with children
As befits a real sorcerer, Bulanda predicted the date of his death. At the end of the farewell feast, he left the house and said: "Thank you, sweetheart, that you shone me and wom, stars, also, thank you, breeze, you sent me according to my needs and you, scream, that you talked to me with sum ...". Then he returned to the room and said to his family and friends: "My beloved, I am leaving now, because I am sick. Stay with God. " That night he died.
Tomasz Chlipała was one of the most famous Beskid shepherds. His nickname was coined in reference to the Bulanda estate in the village of Szczawa, from which he came, but he was mainly associated with Lubomierz. It was there, in the Dziedziny estate, that he gasped in autumn and winter. From March to the end of September, he could be found in the Jaworzyna Kamienicka clearing, where he grazed sheep.
Bulanda became famous primarily as a quack and "fixer" for broken limbs. He supposedly learned magical and medical art from a sorcerer from the Spiš region of Levoča, who he had to go to for help in illness one day. When he had the proper skills, he treated others of almost all ailments - except for venereal and infectious diseases. He threw those sick people out of the shepherd's hut, after which he washed his hands long and thoroughly.
He was widely regarded as a pious and righteous person, respected by others. He was rich for local conditions, but his income was mainly shepherding. For the money he earned, in 1904 he built a chapel in Jaworzyna Kamienicka. It stands there to this day - it is located in the upper corner of one of the most beautiful Gorce glades, next to the green trail from Polana Gabrowska Duży through Jaworzyna Kamienicka and Polana Przysłop na Gorc.
The walking route connects several places very important for the Gorce area. The journey begins in Ochotnica, the oldest Wallachian village, which is the cradle of Gorce herding. From here, we follow the yellow trail towards the mountain ridge, passing the climatic Gorčianska Hut along the way.
The yellow trail on the Przełęcz pod Przysłopem joins the green trail on one of the most beautiful gorczan glades. It is worth visiting the hut located nearby - near Skalka, where you can see traditional ways of making sheep's milk products. Another point on the route worth stopping at is the legendary Bulandowa Shrine, located on the green trail in Jaworzyna Kamienicka - it is here that the legendary Tomasz Chlipała grazed his sheep. At Polana Gabrowska, the green trail joins the red trail, the Main Beskids Trail, leading straight to Turbacz - the highest peak of Gorce (1310 m).
Under the shelter we meet the yellow trail, which we descend to Nowy Targ, passing along the City Bukowina and several scenic glades. From this place there is a wonderful panorama to the south. We can admire Podhale, Spisz and the rocky peaks of the Tatra Mountains reigning on the horizon.
Dodatkowe informacje
Tourist and cultural events in the area:
- "Weekend with GPN", May, Gorce National Park.
- Watra Ochotnicka, August, Village Culture Center in Ochotnica Górna.
- Autumn redyk in Ochotnica, September, Village Culture Center in Ochotnica Górna