Szlak Kultury Wołoskiej - Slovak shepherd traditions

Produkt turystyczny

Slovak shepherd traditions

Course of the trail:

Opis produktu

The trail includes the following points of interest (POI):

  1. Redyk, usual Baców and sheep grazing in Terchowa

  2. Janosik's days in Terchowa

  3. Sałasz Zazriva

  4. Baców days in Malatina

  5. Sałasz Krajinka

  6. Ethnographic Museum in Liptovsky Hradek

Dodatkowe informacje

Miejsca związane z kulturą

Imprezy związane z miejscem

Janosik's days in Terchowa

This is one of the largest cultural events in Slovakia. The festival began to be organized by enthusiasts of shepherd culture as early as the 1960s and since 1992 the festival has become an international event. The concerts take place in an amphitheater with a capacity of up to 6000 spectators. In addition to music, the event combines the presentation of folk art, visual arts, photography and various crafts. Part of the program is also a solemn concert and mass for "bearers of folk traditions". The unique atmosphere of the festival means that every year numerous guests from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic travel here.

The event takes place at the beginning of August and lasts all weekend. The event price list is varied and admission prices range from 25E for the whole event, to 9E for one day. Detailed prices can be found on the organizer's website:

Baców days in Malatina

The Orava region is not known only for its nature. The pastoral culture with its elements is also typical for this region:

  • Juhasami

  • sheep

  • Cheese

  • Żyntycą

  • oscypki

All these elements were successfully combined by the organizers of Baców Days in Malatina.

The event usually takes place over the weekend in mid-July. Admission: 1E children, 2E adults

Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020