Pastoral products and dishes - Podhale lamb in Lesser Poland

Kategoria: Culture

Lamb is an export commodity sent mainly to Italy and Greece. In Lesser Poland there are many different recipes for lamb, which in 2008 was included in the list of traditional products of the Ministry of Agriculture. According to the Ministry of Agriculture: The area of grazing and production of Podhale lamb is located near five National Parks: Gorczański, Tatrzański, Pieniński, Babiogórski and Magurski as well as Landscape Parks and valuable natural areas: Natura 2000. In Małopolska you can taste it in numerous restaurants offering regional dishes . The most famous is "Baran in Szczawnicko" or "in highlander" served according to the unchanging recipe since the 1960s by the Zachiwiów family straight from Szczawnica. Sheep carcass should be marinated for 4-5 days with the addition of salt, pepper, garlic and herbs, then gently boil in a special dish and bake on a spit over an open fire for several hours. The composition and time of pickling is a closely guarded secret of the family. One of the members of the Zachiwiów family - Wiktor Zachwieja is a frequent guest at outdoor events, during which he treats guests with mutton.

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