Shepherd's products and dishes - oscypek Małopolska

Kategoria: Culture

It is carried out as follows: the milk was heated in a cauldron above the water and then added to
him rennet from calf stomach, or klag (today chemically manufactured rennet); in this way the milk was clotting, or shearing; he selected pieces of shepherd cheese to make a linen sheet called Grudziianka, in which the obtained cheese - bundz (intermediate product in the production of oscypek) - dripped from whey; from bundz shepherd shaped cone-shaped cheese (oscypek), soaked it in a strong salt solution (broth) and hot water and smoked over the watt (bonfire). Oscypek is made in the summer season from May to September, it cannot contain more than 40% admixture of cow's milk. Oscypek cheese dimensions: 60-80 reptiles, 17-28 cm long. In 2005, oscypek was included in the list of traditional products by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and in 2007 oscypek became a Polish regional product in the European Union. In 2012, oscypek received the Polish Promotional Emblem in the 22nd edition of the "Teraz Polska" competition in the Products category.

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Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020