Powązki - linen cloth used for sieving milk, but usually cow's, used by housewives. Nowadays it has also been replaced with tetra.
Grudzionka (grudzianka, grudziorka) - a piece of linen cloth in which the shepherd hangs dripping whey grude cheese (i.e. bundz). The name of the sheet came from the name bundzu, or lump. Bundz hangs in it over a dish into which the whey drips. Then it is taken out and processed into oscypki. In the past, shepherds made sure that linen sheets in contact with milk were not exposed to unauthorized eyes (they were dried in the shepherd's hut, and not outside). There was a risk that a reluctant shepherd (witch) would steal the sheet and then, with its help, collect sheep or cows milk. Differences in the pronunciation of the word are associated with the dialect differences occurring in individual regions.