

Sheep mixing in the commune of Istebna

In Koniaków, on Monday a spring turkey began, during which sheep from Gazdas were mixed and brought to the halls. The solemn Mishani Sheep organized on May 1 at the Shepherd Center in Koniaków began this year's sheep grazing season in the Beskid Triwsi.

The rich program of the event included both traditional rituals and lectures, handicraft workshops, wool demonstrations and highlander music. This year, for the first time, the whole event was located in the very center of the Koniaków village.

Traditions related to pastoralism have already been revived in our commune. With the arrival of spring, the sheep after the solemn "munching" were driven out for grazing, which will last until September, the feast of St. Michael. But before the "mischievous" took place, Mrs. Małgorzata Kiereś, director of the Beskid Museum in Wisła, told everyone about her latest research discoveries regarding the creation of Beskid villages and the functioning of Sałasz Rzowka. On Monday before noon in the Shepherd Center in Koniaków many gathered who wanted to participate in the rite of "mocking" sheep, headed by shepherd Piotr Kohut. After lighting up the watts, the traditional "mischievous" sheep began, which were watched by several hundred spectators this year. There was prayer, incense, blessing of the priest and sprinkling with holy water. Father Grzegorz Tomaszek, who was present during the rituals, refused to pray, sacrificed and blessed sheep and shepherds. Baca Piotr Kohut incensed the herd with herbs that were harvested throughout the Carpathians and the Balkans, sprinkled the herd with holy water and traditionally "drove" the sheep out of the barracks. The common redzica went to Ochodzita. This year's herd counts about 1000 sheep. The mischievous sheep is a rite that has to protect the sheep entrusted to the shepherds by the Gaza, hence the smothering, smoke removal, prayer and holy water.

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Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020