

Redyk Wiślański – Mieszanie owiec na Cieńkowie.

Since Sunday, May 20, sheep are grazing in Cieńków's halls. This year's grazing season began with a traditional mixing ritual, i.e. combining animals into one herd.

Redyk Wiślański is already a tradition. It is on this day that the hosts, assisted by a large audience, bring their sheep and hand over the shepherd, who takes care of the herd until autumn. After the arrival of gazda with animals to the ceremony place in Cieńków, the prayer was said by priest Marek Michalik, pastor of the Evangelical-Augsburg parish in Wisła Czarne. Then, the main shepherd, Henryk Figura, sacrificed the sheep, and their incense was made by Jan Kędzior. The symbolism of the rite was introduced to the public by shepherd Michał Milerski from the Czech Nydek.

The event was traditionally accompanied by highlander music, dances and songs. The artistic program was taken care of by: the "Wisła" Regional Group together with the band, the highlander bands "Wista" and "Beskidzcy Zbóje", the male singer group "Grónie" and the female vocal group from Istebna. There could also be demonstrations, tastings and lectures on sheep's cheese, led by Józef Michałek. In addition, the youngest participants of the event could try their hand at playing a traditional shepherd's instrument - thrombite. Of course, during the event, dishes popular in the region were served, including mutton stew, mutton sausage, a bucht, valet and herbal tea.

Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020