

Workshop on techniques related to the processing of wool

On 15.07.2017. wool processing workshops were organized in Koniaków in the Silesian Beskids in the vicinity of the traditional shepherd's hut. In the Pastoral Center, which is a member of the National Network of Educational Farms, all-day activities carried out by folk artists took place.

Workshops of techniques related to sheep wool processing were educational - the participants had the opportunity to contact live sheep of the POG breed grazing in the Beskids, and during the show they learned the path "from sheep fleece to a skein". The sheep's fleece was prepared for cleaning, and then after manual chichroning, the fleece was combed on traditional wooden krymkle. So prepared wool tops for learning spinning techniques - on spindles and reels. Techniques of creating skeins were taught on reels and hooks, which were then used, among others for needlework workshops on fingers and hands, for learning crocheting and knitting.

Dry felting workshops were also carried out. Participants of the classes not only learned various wool processing techniques, but also had the opportunity to learn about authentic shepherd traditions in a place where cultural sheep grazing is carried out in the salash economy, and wool acquisition and processing is still part of the daily work of shepherds and their families.

Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020