Wołosi in the Lubaczów region

On Sunday, October 7, 2018, a grassroots initiative entitled 'Wołosi na Lubaczowska' was implemented from the Orthodox Church Complex in Radruż. The event began with the opening of the exhibition of the same title. The theme of the exhibition was focused on traces of the former Wołochs' presence in the area of the modern Lubaczów poviat, the most of which has been preserved in naming. The exhibition, guided by her curator Janusz Mazur - an ethnographer at the Kresy Museum in Lubaczów, was enriched with items related to pastoral culture. A lecture about the classes of the population in villages under Wallachian law was given by a historian, researcher of local history - Dr. Zygmunt Kubrak. The presentation of beekeeping was made by Franciszek Szynal, the owner of an apiary in Niemstów, who talked about contemporary and traditional methods of breeding bees. Sheep husbandry was presented by Agnieszka Kapel. Those interested could watch the documentary film "Honey Hunters" devoted to traditional methods of breeding bees. The children could use artistic materials, games and plays, including multimedia, the classes were prepared by Barbara Kubrak - a museum educator at the Kresy Museum in Lubaczów. Throughout the event, guests visited the exhibition and used prepared attractions. Also those who joined later could take advantage of the constantly available presentations of sheep and bee breeding, educational classes and visit the exhibition. During the event, it was also possible to visit the church of St. Paraskeva.