In the footsteps of Wołochów around Lesser Poland
We invite you to wander in the footsteps of Wołochów ... 15 thematic routes leading through Lesser Poland, which together form a holistic, cross-sectional image of the shepherd's legacy, for which mountain areas are the background - a context that thanks to the trails gains additional, non-material value.

Czas przejścia:
Poziom trudności:
Opis produktu
Piwniczna-Zdrój - Łomnica-Zdrój 4 km (1:30 h) - Hostel PTTK Hala Łabowska 6 km (2:30 h) - Runek 7 km (2:10 h) - Bacówka PTTK Nad Wierchomlą 2.2 km (0: 35 h) - Wyżnie Młaki 2.8 (0:50 h) - Szczawnik 4.5 km (1:10 h) - Muszyna-Złockie 1.8 km (0:25 h) - Muszyna 3 km (0:45 h )
The route is recommended for: individual tourists, groups, families with children
Black sheep - unfavorably distinguishes from other herd members, often also brings bad luck. It's best to keep a safe distance from her. Just in case ... And how was it ever?
Even before the war, most of the sheep bred in the Poprad valley were dark in color, and gazda, which had white sheep, was less respected by the local community. The black sheep was the pride of every farm. It was from black wool that the inhabitants of Piwniczna or Rytro sewed clothes, and this is where their name comes from - Black Highlanders. Black sheep could be found in the band of Jaworzyna Krynicka and the eastern part of the Radziejowa Range until the deportation of Lemkos from Beskid Sądecki. After the "Wisła" campaign, highlanders from Podhale came to abandoned farms, and with them white sheep, which in time supplanted black farms.
Shepherds ensure that black sheep meat is tastier than white meat. This is not the only culinary delicacy that comes from this area. Another is 'Lomnicon Piyrógi' - traditional dumplings made of potatoes, flour and spices, stuffed with bryndza or cottage cheese stuffing. Legends about the size of "Piyróg Lomniconski" are a permanent element of local folklore. The most unbelievable anecdote is that when one day Poprad poured out in Piwniczna, people picked out the filling and used the hollow "Lomnicon Piyrogi" to cross the river.
In 2013, the idea was raised among the highlanders of the nadoprad region to reach the roots and restore grazing of black sheep in the Sądecki halls. Nearly 50 sheep, which were placed in three herds, can be found today around Łomnica-Zdrój, Piwniczna-Zdrój and Wierchomla. -
The walking route connects three towns associated with the historical breeding of the black sheep.
The journey begins at the Piwniczna-Zdrój train station, from where we follow the blue trail east, towards the Łomniczanka valley and the town of Łomnica-Zdrój, the sheep heart of the Sądecki Beskids. We climb up towards the main ridge of the Jaworzyna Krynicka range, passing past overgrown glades and former grazing huts. After about 4:00 h walking we reach Hala Łabowska - a clearing, where the inhabitants of the Lemko village of Łabowa once grazed their sheep. The hall is a great vantage point to the north and north-east - from here there is a panorama of the Low Beskids and the nearby peaks of the Sądecki Beskids. Currently, there is a PTTK hostel.
From here, follow the red trail - the Main Beskids Trail - we continue our journey towards Runek, where after approx. 2:00 h we meet the blue trail again. We turn into it and after approx. 0:30 h we reach Bacówka PTTK nad Wierchomla, a hostel located in a converted granary, which was moved from Złocki. A beautiful panorama of the Tatra Mountains from below the hostel.
We follow the blue trail to reach the yellow trail after about 1:00 h in the region of Wyżni Młaków, which will lead us to Muszyna through Szczawnik and the hamlet of Złockie. At one time, the village was a Polish enclave among numerous Ruthenian and Lemko villages located in the area.
Dodatkowe informacje
Tourist and cultural events in the area:
- Nadpopradzkie Sobótki, June, Municipal and Communal Culture Center in Piwniczna-Zdrój & Nadpopradzkie Highlanders Association & Regional Poprad Valley Complex.
- Mountain Children Day, July, SOKÓŁ Lesser Poland Culture Center.
- Pannonica Folk Festival, August, Starosądecka Fundacja Kultury