Szlak Kultury Wołoskiej - Commune Redyk in Korbielów


Commune Redyk in Korbielów

REDYK W KORBIELÓW is a folklore event organized in the Jeleśnia commune in the Żywiec Beskids for the twenty-third time. During the event there is a demonstration of rituals related to the drive of sheep into the hall - farewell to the shepherds in the village, taking the shepherds out of the village to the hall, mixing sheep flocks, quoting, incense and the first milking of sheep in the hall, as well as cheese pleading and production of sheep cheese and showing everyday life in the hall. Everything takes place in the beautiful scenery of Korbielów with a view of Pilsko. These rites are interspersed with performances of regional bands and folk bands, during which traditional shepherd songs, playing folk instruments and local dialects are presented.

As part of the project REGIONAL KITCHEN, THESE MAY BE HEALTH co-financed by the Żywiec Zdrój company under the Żywiec Zdrój Local Social Initiatives grant program - 2018 edition, there is the possibility of tasting sheep's milk products - sheep's cheese, bundz, oscypek and mutton dishes. The possibility of tasting sheep's milk and sheep meat products increases interest in healthy food and increases the consumption of these products.

Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020