A series of events in Besko
From September 17, 2018 to October 10, 2018, a series of events was organized in Besko for residents of the commune that popularized knowledge of Wallachian culture.
Charts presenting Wołochów, their migration route, activities, culture and tradition were prepared by young people and volunteers. Information obtained from websites was used to prepare the charts.
On September 25, 2018, a trip to the Organic Farm 'FIGA' in Mszana, a former Lemko village founded in the 15th century under Wallachian law, took place. The Certified FIGA Family Ecological Farm with 130 ha has been operating there for many years. It deals with goat breeding and production of goat dairy products, including natural Wallachian goat cheese and smoked Wallachian goat cheese. Participants of the trip visited the barn where the goats are staying and learned how to milk goats. Then they learned about how to make cheese, and finally had the opportunity to taste products produced on the farm. 20 people took part in the trip.
On 27, 28 September and 5, 8 and 9 October culinary workshops were held, in which 15 people took part. During the workshops, participants learned about the traditional processing of cow's milk and bread baking, and learned about the tools used for baking bread and milk processing (e.g. shovel, chopper, bowl, buttercup - such names are used in Besko) and sewn with tetry cheese sacks. They prepared bread dough and baked bread in baking trays. They collected cream from milk, whipped butter in butterflies. They heated milk, which they later made cottage cheese.
September 29 took place "Pasterska Feast", which was attended by residents of the Besko Commune. An additional attraction was the presentation of the trombity - a folk wind instrument in the shape of a straight pipe or slightly bent at the end, reaching up to 4 meters in length used as a shepherd's trumpet giving a deep, low sound. The participants of the feast learned what the thrombite is made of and could listen to its sound. A shepherd's snack was also prepared, among others: goat's cheese, cottage cheese, yellow cheese, home-baked bread, proziaki, butter. Everyone who came to the banquet had a good time listening to music, dancing and singing together.
As part of the initiative, a folder was developed and published, which, together with the aforementioned events, will contribute to deepening knowledge about the Wallachians, their culture, customs and cultural heritage.