

Warsztaty kulinarne w Centrum Pasterskim w Koniakowie

On August 26, 2017 Culinary workshops were held at the Pastoral Center in Koniaków. "Bryndza - Carpathian cheese" as part of the "Wallachian Culture Trail" project.

To carry out the workshops, shepherds from all Carpathian countries were invited to show the participants how to make bryndza - cheese which is a common culinary heritage of people living in the Carpathians. During the demonstrations and lectures, workshop participants learned how Ukrainian Hutsulskin bryndza, Romanian urda and bryndza spruce bark, Slovak and Czech bryndza as well as Podhale, Zywiec and smoked bryndza are produced.

The cheese ripening process and its further processing were discussed, wooden shepherd's equipment was shown, what they were used for and how to use them. During the cooking workshops, attention was focused on sheep's cheese dishes, participants also prepared traditional shepherd's cuisine based on mutton and lamb. Meat dishes were also prepared - roast stuffed lamb and sour lamb. Tourists and guests visiting the Pastoral Center in Koniaków on this day to taste all prepared dishes

Współfinansowane przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach
Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Interreg V-A Polska-Słowacja 2014-2020